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Chatham international business majors learn how to think globally as they develop skills in strategy, entrepreneurship, 定量分析, 信息系统. The curriculum engages students in all functional areas of business and explores how these functions change and adapt by expanding across borders. 通过跨学科课程的创新结合, 学生培养语言方面的专业知识, 文化敏感性, 以及对世界事务的持续了解. In addition to skills and theories pertinent to international business, students will benefit from Chatham’s unique commitment to addressing issues such as sustainability, diversity, 以及在全球范围内负责任的企业.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
Program School

My time so far in the international business program has been a whirlwind of networking and personal advancement. 这要感谢查塔姆学院的教职员工提供的资源, in my first year, 我已经建立了国际联系, 开始了我自己的波胆网站项目, and am currently working on research with federally linked and respected international activism agencies.


Photo of a squash court in the gym, with a ball and two rackets on the ground.


Vini’s passion for international travel is perhaps only rivaled by his passion for squash, the sport he describes as “the most calories you can burn in an hour.” 


  • Award-winning faculty with years of experience teaching international business at the college level.
  • Enhance your classroom knowledge with business seminars on career strategies and issues affecting international markets, 与导师的个人会议, and networking events with successful business professionals both on- and off-campus.
  • Set yourself apart with a minor in one of Chatham’s other undergraduate business programs (marketing, accounting, 管理信息系统, management, economics, 或应用数据科学分析), 或者在其他领域,比如心理学或传播学.
  • 合格的学生可能有资格参加查塔姆学院的项目 工商管理硕士(MBA) or other 综合学位课程, which allow you to save money and speed time to acquiring both bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • All students complete a capstone seminar that channels the knowledge they’ve accumulated into a discipline-specific project under close faculty guidance.
  • 符合条件的学生可能有资格参加3-1-1项目 卡耐基梅隆大学亨氏学院, where they may complete both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years.


This course provides the background on the relationships among multinational corporations, 国际金融市场, 以及政府机构. Multi-national corporations’ strategic formulations of product policy research and development, production, and supply systems, 以及国际业务的融资, are examined. 本课程符合全球通识教育使命的要求.


An introduction to international trade and finance and an examination of the structure of international trade and the functioning of the international monetary system. Attention is given to recent issues in these areas and the relationship between the domestic and international economies.

Global Marketing

This course explores the rapidly evolving realities of international marketing. 通过课堂讨论, case study, and project work, 学生学习分析宏观环境(另类文化), economic systems, financial markets, governments, and legal issues). Students learn to develop marketing strategies and tactics to fit the unique aspects of targeted global markets.


Our Faculty

Faculty members are accomplished teachers, scholars, practitioners, and active leaders in the field.

Full Faculty
Photo of flags of different nations flying in front of the United Nations building.


Students can enhance their degree with a certificate in international studies in one of five major global regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, 以及中东地区. 该证书包括语言要求, 历史文化课程, 以及国际实地经验. Certificate students are eligible for additional study abroad funding.

图为一群波胆网站的女生, coming together at a networking event for the Center for Women's Entrepreneurship.


CWE connects students with area business leaders and promotes events on campus, 比如Think Big论坛, 一系列聚焦于战略性业务增长的小组讨论, entrepreneurship, leadership, 和可持续性.

Learn About CWE 棋盘3 -足球波胆平台(CWE)
照片中的学生戴着眼镜,头发鲜红, 在波胆网站的演讲厅里用笔记本电脑工作


Chatham has been named a 杰出学院 for its business degrees, recognizing the program for its expert blending of the liberal arts with professional programming in its business majors.

Photo of a Chatham University student in a hijab, working on a tablet in Cafe Rachel

Department Mission

商务系 & Data Science teaches students the fundamentals of business practice through learning and applying academic content, 练习商业技能, 评估商业决策的背景. The Department integrates material and programming incorporating the University’s mission in global understanding and environmental responsibility and prepares students to work as leaders in professional and civic arenas. 通过以学生为中心的课程和课外活动, the Department assists students to reach their full potential in the business world.

波胆网站梅隆大厅的照片, 四周环绕着绿色的学术院落和五彩缤纷的秋叶.

Accreditation & Student Outcomes

商务系 & Data Science at Chatham University has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. 有关认证项目的列表,请查看我们的IACBE会员 status page.

查看学生成绩公开披露 棋盘6 -认证 & Student Outcomes
Photo of a woman working on her laptop with a Chatham University sticker in a lecture hall

Read Our Blog

查塔姆的商业部 & 数据科学博客为当前和潜在的学生提供信息, faculty, alumni, 也是警局的朋友. 它报道了最近发生的事件, 突出优秀学生, and introduces new professors and courses that are of interest to our readers. 

View Blog :棋盘7 -阅读我们的博客



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